Write this information in your notebook of grammar. Don´t forget the date
Here is a video with the song of the Subordinating conjunctions. It´s very funny, check the song, sing it and record a video with your family singing the song (it could be a short part of the song) :)
The most creative videos are going to win one extra point in your next text of grammar.
5 videos of each group.
Please send the video to the next mail: alecarreonhe@gmail.com
Write this information un your notebook. You don´t need to write the information in spanish. Dont´forget the date.
Synonyms are words that have the same, or almost the same meaning. Writers use synonyms to avoid repeating the same word.
Los sinónimos son palabras que tienen el mismo o casi el mismo significado. Los escritores utilizan sinónimos para evitar repetir la misma palabra.
Look the next video and answer the page #42 of your book Reader´s Log
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