jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

Resultado de imagen para spelling                                               Thursday, March 26th, 2020

In your notebook of Spelling, write the words of the Unit #21 and answer the activity Connections to THINKING

Unit #21
Schwa plus r: er, or

winter                  neither                      gather                  enter
tractor                 wonder                      master                 thunder
whether               either                        shower                 eager
water                   rather                       major                   bitter 
silver                   together                    danger                  minor

Connections to THINKING

1-17 Write the words in which the schwa plus r sound is spelled er.

18-20 Write the words in which the schwa plus r sound is spelled or.

Resultado de imagen para grammar                                     Thursday, March 26th, 2020

In your notebook of Grammar, write the next sentences and answer with the Subordinating conjunctions: although, because, if and when.

1. I got wet, __________ I forgot my umbrella.
2. _____________ I have the money, I won´t buy the shoes.
3. You can go to the party, only _______ your Dad gives persmission.
4. This is what happens, _________ you ignore the warnings
6. _____________ the kitchen is small, it is well designed.

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