Spelling words Unit #22
Base words with suffixes -er, -est
In your notebook of Spelling write the words of the Unit #22 and find the meaning
cuter kindest thinnest quieter
nearer quietest easiest quicker
kinder (kind) funniest funnier cutest
nearest safest thinner quickest
happier easier safer happiest
Write the next information in your notebook of Reading.
What is the setting?
Is where and when a play takes place. (Es donde y cuando tiene lugar una obra/historia)
If you pay attention to details in the text, such as dates, place names, and descriptions of the landscape, you can identify the setting. The setting is an important part of the play because it affects who the characters are and how the events in the play transpire.
As an example:
How the events and characters of a play set at the bottom of the ocean might differ from those of a play set in the dessert.
Characters in these settings need different things to survive, which may affect their motivations and behavior. Also, an event such as a storm would have different effects on an underwater setting than on a land setting. (Los personajes en estos entornos necesitan diferentes cosas para sobrevivir, lo que puede afectar sus motivaciones y comportamiento. Incluso, un evento como una tormenta puede tener diferentes efectos en un escenario submarino que en un escenario terrestre)
Answer the page #43 of your book Reader´s Log. I´m going to give you an example but you must choose another story ;) (Este es un ejemplo de respuesta de la página 43, no tienes que escribirlo en tu cuaderno y debes elegir una historia diferente para responder tu libro)
Title The Elves and the Shoemaker
Characters a poor shoemaker, his wife, the elves
Place inside the shoemaker´s tiny shop
Time The elves make the shoes at night. The shoemaker finds the finished
shoes in the morning. The story takes place a long, long time ago.
gracias teacher :)
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