miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

Resultado de imagen para spelling                    Unit #19    Wednesday, March 18, 2020
                                  Double consonants, Final -le
Write the words in your notebook of spelling (don´t forget to write the date)

bottle              cattle                  pebble                kettle
single              jungle                 jumble                ankle
tickle              simple                 rattle                   giggle
middle            settle                   bubble                temple
sample            battle                  snuggle               mumble


1-11 Write the words that have double consonants. Draw a line between the syllables
         1. bot/tle

12-20 Write the words that do not have double consonants. Draw a line between the syllables.
           12. sin/gle

Resultado de imagen para science     Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Write and draw the information in your notebook of science. Don´t forget to write the date.

Types of forces

We can classify forces as contact forces and non-contact forces.

Contact forces: are the forces we use when we have contact with an object. Like throw a ball

Non contact-forces: are the forces we use when we do not have contact with an object. Gravity and Magnets are examples.

Simple and complex machines

Machines are objects that help us to do things

Simple machines: like wheels, work very simply. We use three types of simple machines: levers, ramps, and pulleys.

Levers: It is a rigid bar. We use a lever to put force on a point of support and lift objects.
Resultado de imagen para levers
Ramps: It is an inclined plane. We use ramps to push heavy objects.
Resultado de imagen para rampas mudanza cartoon
Pulleys: It is a wheel that turns on an axis. A rope goes around the wheel.
Resultado de imagen para pulley cartoon

Complex machines: like cars, are made of many simple machines. Complex machines work with electricity or other energy resources.

2 comentarios:

  1. hola teacher soy Iker, en dónde ponemos la foto de la máquina que vamos a hacer

    1. Hello IKer: how nice to greet you! :) I´m looking for some option for the pictures, as soon as I have the information I will notify you. Have a nice afternoon.
