Padres de familia, les recuerdo que a partir de la semana que entra (Lunes 30 de Marzo) nos mudamos a la app Classdojo. Es necesario que todos los papás estén registrados para poder iniciar la sesión de los estudiantes. Muchas gracias por su apoyo a todos los que ya lo hicieron! Este es un tiempo de cambio y tanto para ustedes como para nosotras representa un gran reto, necesitamos trabajar de manera conjunta para beneficio de nuestros niños.
Aquí las actividades del día de hoy para concluir la semana con el blog. Que pasen un excelente fin de semana y que la bendición de Dios les acompañe a ustedes y a sus familias!
In your notebook of Spelling write the sentences and translate them. Don´t forget the date.
1. The coldest season of the year is winter.
2. The farmer uses a tractor to pull the plow.
3. We will go to the mountains whether or not it snows.
4. We should all drink lots of water.
5. Native American jewerly is sometimes made from silver.
6. I know that neither of the children wanted to play outside.
7. The view from the mountain filled us with wonder.
8. You may have either one or the other, but not both.
9. I could go to Monique´s house, but I would rather stay home today.
10. We are all going swimming together.
11. A crowd of people will gather to watch the show.
12. Before David can drive the car, he must master the art of parking.
13. This aftenoon we had a brief rain shower.
14. The Salk vaccine was a major discovery in medicine.
15. Because of his skill, the lion tamer was in little danger.
16. Knock on the door before you enter the room.
17. The sound that follows a flash of lightning is called thunder.
18. Jeff was eager to go skating.
19. That lemonade had a bitter taste.
20. Repairing the window was a minor task.
In your notebook of Science write the next information. Don´t forget the date.
The history of inventions
- The wheel it is an invention from thousands of years ago. Wheels are still part of many machines.
- The ancient Egyptians used simple machines to build the pyramids. They used levers and rollers to raise and move huge stones. They used pulleys and ramps to carry stones ur pyramids.
- The printing press was one of the greatest inventions in human history. Today we can all read and share knowledge because of this invention.
- The steam engine changed transportation. It was also used in factories. This was the beginningof modern industry.
Watch the next videos about the inventions
You are going to work in your notebook of Grammar. Don´t forget the date.
You and You´re
The words your and you´re sound the same, but they have different spellings and meanings. Your is a possessive pronoun, it means "something that belongs to you".
You´re es a contraction made from the words you are.
Write the next sentences in your notebook and answer with your or you´re.
1. He has __________ backpack.
2. If ____________ coming, please get ready.
3. ___________ not going to the movie now?
4. Time to make ___________ bed.
5. Who is ___________ best friend?
6. If __________ going outside, dress warmly.
7. Leave __________ shoes in the front hall.
8. If _________ sick, stay at home.
9. Call when ________ ready to leave.
10. Who will look after _________ dog?
Buen día
ResponderEliminarTeacher me puede enviar los datos de la nueva aplicación para la clase
Por favor
Buen día Sr o Sra, no sé quien me escribe, aún tiene dudas con respecto a classdojo?
EliminarHola buenos días! Pará informarle que no hemos podido accesar al registro en la App.... Ya tengo la app instalada porque en Segundo Grado estamos trabajando con la app solo que no me deja acceder con la clave de Camila 😑!!
ResponderEliminarBuen día Sra, apenas vi su mensaje pero vi que ya esta registrada en classdojo.
EliminarSigo publicando en el blog porque no todos los papás de 4A se han registrado.
maestra disculpe no nos hibamos a cambiar a la app de classdojo?
ResponderEliminaro solo vamos a mandar los trabajos ahi????
Era necesario que todos los papás se registraran para poder iniciar por classdojo Vi, 4B ya esta trabajando por ahi :)
EliminarHola teacher
ResponderEliminarHi Vi
Eliminares mucho
ResponderEliminarYes, because it was friday :)
EliminarYa pudimos!! Pero no me aparecen trabajos!!! Solo le enviamos fotos??
ResponderEliminarQuién me escribió este comentario?
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.