Write the sentences in your notebook and translate them. (don´t forget the date)
1. You can buy juice in a bottle or a can.
2. I could not see a single cloud in the sky.
3. Lucy likes to tickle people.
4. A big oak tree stood in the middle of our backyard.
5. This delicious omelet is a sample of his cooking.
6. The rancher has a large herd of cattle.
7. There are many different plants in the jungle.
8. The directions were simple to follow.
9. Sand in the water will settle to the bottom.
10. We walked because we did not want to battle the traffic.
11. A small, smooth stone is called a pebble.
12. When the dryer stopped, the clothes were in a jumble.
13. The loud rattle came from the passing truck.
14. That soap bubble contains air.
15. My kitten and puppy snuggle when they sleep.
16. Grandmother cooks soup in a large iron kettle.
17. Ana likes to wear ankle socks.
18. The monkey at the zoo made the little boy giggle.
19. We visited an ancient temple during our trip to India.
20. People cannot hear you clearly if you mumble.
Write the information in your notebook of Grammar. Don´t forget the date.
Coordinating conjunctions
Unit 2 Lesson 23
or are called Coordinating conjunctions
They connect words and phrases within a sentence. And, or, and but can also connect two shorter sentences to form one longer sentence. When you join two sentences with a coordinating conjuctions, add a comma before the conjunction.
and: connects two ideas that are related
example: I like apples and bananas
or: connects alternative ideas
example: Do you want an apple or a banana?
but: connects two opposing ideas
example: I like apples but i don´t like bananas.
Write the sentences and answer in your notebook.
1. My name is Fátima________ my sister´s name is Fernanda.
2. I was born in Mexico _________ I live in Europe now.
3. I am a Doctor ________ I work in a hospital_______ I don´t like my job.
4. I don´t eat fish, beef ______ chicken.
5. You should go home _______ do your homework.
6. Will you go to work ________ to see the Doctor?
Maestra, si pudiera publicar por favor las actividades mas temprano, los niños para la hora que esta publicando ya estan cansados de trabajar.... entre mas temprano inicien mas temprano terminan y se quedan con la idea de que tienen tiempo libre